Support to Families and Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees

Duration: 2012 -2015

Beneficiaries: 2,844 Lebanese host families in 22 villages; and 3,516 Syrian refugee families – 19,040 individuals.

Donor: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Location: Akkar, Wadi Khaled and Akroum areas


This project is implemented by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) with the support of Mada, and aims at supporting Lebanese families and communities hosting refugees from Syria in the North-East of Lebanon’s Akkar District. It covers 14 municipalities and villages of Wadi Khaled and Akroum. This project provides rapid intervention with immediate impact on individual households and the local economy in an under-developed region.


– Cash assistance to Lebanese hosting Syrian refugees for more than 2 months and not charging them any rent
– Financial support to Lebanese host families in order to mitigate an increase in households’ expenditures
– Support to municipalities hosting Syrians through a one-time contribution such as equipment for public schools.