to Zero-Tolerance
For Physical & Sexual
Abuse & Exploitation
Mada is firmly committed to the global fight to eradicate sexual exploitation and abuse. That is why it has established clear structures and procedures for ensuring compliance with the zero-tolerance policy (PSEA).
Furthermore, because children are the most vulnerable, Mada adopted a policy on Child Safeguarding (CSP) from sexual exploitation and abuse.
This page highlights the policies and processes Mada has put in place to protect the people we work with from any form of abuse, exploitation and harm.
What Does Safeguarding Mean for Mada?

At Mada, we are committed to zero tolerance of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse. This means that we will do everything in our power to prevent these from happening, and rigorously address each case.
Our policies provide a framework within which all Mada employees, regardless of location, undertake to carry out their duties and to regulate their conduct.
Reporting Cases of Misconduct
How can Mada’s staff, volunteers, partners and people we work with safely report cases of misconduct?
Anyone (including our partners) can raise a concern or make a complaint to Mada about something they have experienced or witnessed without fear of retribution.
Serious Complaint:
A serious complaint includes issues related to:
- Financial Corruption, Misuse/Fraud of Money or Material
- Derogatory/Immoral behaviour with beneficiaries involving verbal abuse/physical assault
- Harassment of beneficiary
- Sexual abuse and Exploitation (SEA)
- Discrimination of beneficiaries on the basis of race, gender, creed or religion
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What is the process of the Incident Reporting?