Combating School Dropout and Violence Against Children Through Awareness Raising, Capacity Building and Partnership

Duration: April – December 2010

Beneficiaries: 43 boys and girls, 80 families and their 438 children, 12 school staff, 1,309 parents and 2 schools

Donor: Save the Children Sweden

Location: Akkar (Mishmish, Hrar)


In 2010, Mada started focusing more on right to education, protection and participation. As part of providing a safe education to children, the initiative aimed to build the parents’ capacities to better support their children in learning, to create partnerships between home and school, and to mobilize key stakeholders in the process of child protection.


– Creation of an awareness play about child rights in collaboration with 33 youth from Mishmish,
– Establishment of a theater troupe, creation and presentation of the play 6 times, raising the awareness of more than 1,300 people on the subject of child protection,
– 10 awareness and counseling sessions on pedagogical issues involving more than 80 families,
– 4 pedagogical seminars involving parents and teachers in order to develop a closer partnership between the two parties,
– Identification of a group of the most active participants among the parents and teachers to be involved in two workshops about children’s rights.